it recruiting

I may serve as the marketing manager now here at PSCI, but for five years I was actually an IT recruiter. For every member of our team here at PSCI, IT recruiting is our passion — it truly drives us every day, regardless of our roles.

Being an IT recruiter is unlike any other job.

There are truly some unique and exciting aspects of working as an IT recruiter. For example:

You make incredible things happen. When a client approaches us at PSCI it’s because they have a very specific need. An important tech project needs just the right talent to finish on time, on budget and with a successful outcome. The right person is literally critical. When you find that person and a client’s project ends up successful, you helped make it happen. Conversely, tech talent comes to you looking for a job. Maybe they’ve been out of work, or unhappy in their current position. Or maybe they’re just looking for an exciting project that tests their skills and offers opportunity to learn new ones. Regardless of his or her background or goals, you have helped someone find a job. Just think about the impact you’ve made on that person and potentially their family. Helping people find jobs is one of the most rewarding careers ever, hands down.

It can pump your competitive drive. Do you thrive on friendly competition? IT recruiting careers are right up your alley! The market for top IT talent right now is pretty fierce — companies are struggling to find the best talent to make an impact on their projects and ultimately, their bottom line. So when you’re out there talking to candidates and networking, you’re potentially up against dozens of other IT recruiters. But your client needs the best talent — so how are you going to get out there and land them? When you work for a company like PSCI, you’ve got the power of our culture, stability and history behind you — our consultants are part of our family, which is a truly unique environment for tech talent. Other IT recruiters aren’t so lucky. Bring out the strengths of your employer, use your personality and knowledge, build trust with your candidates, and you’ll find success as an IT recruiter. Get your competitive juices flowing!

Flexibility and opportunity. IT recruiters work for their employers, of course, but they also work for their candidates. That means that on any given day, you could interact with candidates working for a global technology provider, a regional healthcare company or any range of organizations. There is incredible diversity in IT staffing. With every candidate and placement, you’ll learn from them about some of the world’s greatest companies. Plus, you’ll also learn about top tech trends and skills. If you’re an IT pro looking to make the jump into IT recruiting (great idea!), you’ll stay at the forefront of industry trends while interacting with exciting companies. For the rest of us, you’ll be surprised how many tech skills and how much incredible technology knowledge you pick up! Every day is different in IT recruiting careers — you’ll never be bored, that’s for sure!

Want to make the leap into IT recruiting? Or are you looking for a change of pace? PSCI is hiring! We’re looking for a passionate IT recruiter to add to our family. Email us at or give us a call at 302-479-9700 to learn more.

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