PSCI Unique

There are a lot of similarities between staffing companies. After all, our business models are all essentially the same – establish a network of clients, receive job requirements from said clients, respond to those job requirements with resumes (candidates) that fit the job description, and act as a facilitator between the candidate and client with the end goal being a job offer. If you were to look a little bit closer, however, you’d notice not all staffing agencies are created equal. In this blog, we’ll be addressing the unique quantifiers that make PSCI stand out and why choosing PSCI, as either a candidate or client, will always be the right choice. Through our exceptional staff, the quality of candidates we present, the benefits we offer, and the way we give back to the community we prove that we’re a step ahead of the rest.

Our Staff – Staying in business for nearly 25 years is no easy task and there’s no way we’d be able to achieve that accomplishment without employing some of the best and brightest minds the IT staffing industry has to offer. While it’s true we may be a small operation – mind you, a small operation that produces large results – what other organization do you know of whose internal employees have an average length of service of 13.4 years? 13.4! According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the average worker today stays at each of his or her jobs for 4.4 years – we more than triple that statistic! So with all that experience we’ve truly obtained quite the wealth of knowledge. In an industry that’s as ever-changing as the IT staffing industry, that knowledge is invaluable.

Our Candidates – With such a wealth of knowledge from our internal staff, it’s no wonder why we’re consistently able to deliver some of the most talented candidates to our clients. With every candidate we present, we carefully pore over their resumes making sure they have the skills and experience required to do the job. But not only that, we also put each of our candidates through a technical screening process to verify their technical capabilities.

Once they have secured the job offer and are at the client site, however, we don’t lose touch. We’re constantly reaching out to our consultants to make sure they’re receiving the care and attention they deserve. We also send out a monthly newsletter, aimed at our past and present consultants, to make sure they’re kept in the know about industry news, events, and all things PSCI.

Employee Benefits – Not all staffing agencies offer their consultants benefits – but we do! And not only that, we offer our employees a perk that we believe to be completely unique to PSCI – the ability to become a salaried employee with PSCI for the length of their contract. This means PSCI pays for a single portion of their benefits (medical, dental, short-term/long-term disability, etc.), while also offering PTO, reimbursement training, bereavement leave, and quite possibly the greatest perk, a 401k match (which is actually offered to all employees)!

Charitable Giving – Besides offering outstanding technology careers and IT staffing services, PSCI believes that care and support of the local community by charitable giving is a critical part of what makes us special. Throughout the year, PSCI supports many charitable causes – all of which help local people, children and families in need.

To give just two recent examples, just before the Thanksgiving break we read a story in the local newspaper about a family whose home was destroyed by a fire. More important to them, however, was the food they had collected – and lost – for their nonprofit, The Fairy Godsisters of Delaware. Their charity provided turkeys, canned goods, side dishes and other products for 50 Wilmington families in need. After reading the story and being touched by the family’s message we decided to come to their rescue by repurchasing all of the food that was lost ensuring those 50 families were able to enjoy a Thanksgiving feast!

As another example, and one that’s even more recent, this holiday season we have partnered with the Bringing Hope Home foundation to sponsor 4 families through the purchase of Christmas gifts and bill paying. We wouldn’t have been able to do this, though, without the help from our staff and consultants who all donated portions of their paychecks to offer assistance to those families in need.

So whether you’re reading this as a client or consultant, know that you’re in qualified, thoughtful, and caring hands with PSCI. And if you’re neither – what are you waiting for?! There’s no better organization to be associated with than PSCI.

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