Tech Talent

There currently exists an opportunity for businesses to attract and hire some of the best IT talent the industry has to offer.

Thanks to the persistence of the IT skills gap, this is a statement that hasn’t been true for quite some time.

Unfortunately, however, this opportunity exists because major tech companies like Twitter, Tesla, Meta, and Amazon have all had to cut staff.

But as Albert Einstein once said, “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.”

For more traditional firms, who have long found it hard to compete against big tech, the opportunity to gain access to the industry’s top talent is now afoot.

Individuals with expert-level knowledge in DevOps, cloud, automation, data management, and cybersecurity have all suddenly found themselves looking for a new home.

In this article, we’ll be taking a look at the specialties your organization should strive to hire and explain how individuals with these skill sets can help your business.



DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development and IT operations.

With many companies, there are differing engineering departments all with separate goals.

Developers want to make new features, improve upon the product, fix issues/bugs, etc. Operations wants to keep everything up and running with as little disruption as possible.

The goal of DevOps, then, is to ease the tension between these two camps in order to make the entire systems development lifecycle (SDLC) run seamlessly.

Firms should be looking to hire these individuals because DevOps results in faster and continuous delivery of features, more stable environments, and reduced operations time.

DevOps Job Titles: DevOps or Platform Engineer, Build Engineer, Reliability Engineer, Release Manager, Data Analyst, Product Manager


Organizations such as Amazon and Salesforce, two companies with a focus on cloud computing, have announced layoffs totaling more than 10,000 workers.

This is resulting in a number of cloud computing professionals flooding the job market.

Their duties, which vary, aim to build, enhance, and secure databases and software that enable users and businesses to access digital information over the internet from anywhere.

While partnering with cloud providers to build and manage the cloud technology stack is the more typical approach, for those firms who wish to build their own cloud stack, the opportunity to strike is now.

Cloud Job Titles: Cloud Administrator, Cloud Security Analyst, Cloud Network Engineer, Cloud Automation Engineer, Cloud Consultant, Cloud Software Engineer, Cloud Architect


Automation is the creation and application of technologies to produce and deliver goods and services with minimal human intervention.

Examples of tasks that can be automated include social media posting, invoicing, screening of candidates, scheduling meetings, customer communication, sales lead nurturing, and data backups.

These can all lead to lower operating costs, reduced lead times, faster ROI, increased production output, and higher revenue.

Automation Job Titles: Automation Engineer, Automation Developer, Software Automation Engineer, Automation Consultant

Data Management

Data management is the practice of collecting, organizing, protecting, and storing an organization’s data so it can be analyzed for business decisions.

These informed decisions can lead to enhanced business performance, streamlined operations, and stronger customer relationships.

As organizations create and consume exponential amounts of data, the need to make sense of those vast quantities of data is essential.

Data management professionals do just that.

Data Management Job Titles: Data Management Specialist, Data Architect, Database Administrator, Data Integration Specialist, Metadata Specialist, Information Warehouse Developer, Data Scientist


Data breaches are soaring. A recent study shows that a total of 108.9 million accounts were breached in the third quarter of 2022, a figure that represents a 70% increase over the previous quarter.

And no company is immune to falling victim to a cyberattack.

Cybersecurity professionals, having been trained to find weaknesses in databases, networks, hardware, firewalls, and encryption, are necessary to prevent such attacks by fixing potential issues before they become exploited.

Cybersecurity Job Titles: Cybersecurity Analyst, Software Developer/Engineer, Cybersecurity Consultant, Vulnerability Analyst/Penetration Tester, Cybersecurity Administrator, Network Engineer/Architect, Systems Engineer/Administrator

If in search of such individuals, contact the IT staffing experts at PSCI. Our industry/market knowledge, talent pipelines, and expert staff know just how to track them down.

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