
Let’s begin with a hypothetical – your IT department has just been tasked with a time-sensitive project but you’re short on staff and you have limited budget. What do you do? Despite this being a hypothetical, this scenario is playing itself out across the nation – and even the world – on a daily basis. Smart managers will know just who to call (no, it’s not the Ghostbuster’s), it’s your trusted IT staffing partners! Companies who are experts when it comes to finding, evaluating, and matching job seekers with employers needs on a daily basis.Handshake

While it’s true that using a staffing firm isn’t the right choice for every business, the ones who are able to utilize them find their services to be truly invaluable. Below, we have outlined just a few of the many benefits employers can expect when working with a staffing firm.

Low Overhead – Making a full-time hire can be a costly venture. By choosing the correct staffing firm to contract with, however, an employer can bypass this risk to augment their staff. Staffing firms, such as PSCI, will handle all the benefits associated with the candidate they hire including taxes, payroll, workers compensation and other benefits. PSCI actually takes it even one step further by offering a 401k match! So in lieu of paying an employee a salary plus benefits, you’re only on the hook for an hourly rate.

As an added benefit of partnering with a staffing firm, you also save your company money by not having to advertise on sites such as Careerbuilder, Monster or LinkedIn. You send your trusted staffing partner the job requirements and they’ll handle the rest.

Quicker Hires – Not only is making a full-time hire expensive but it also takes time. According to research performed by Glassdoor, the average interview process takes 23 days. And that’s only the interview process! That doesn’t take into account the amount of time it takes to find the right candidates to interview.

By utilizing the services of a trusted staffing partner, however, managers don’t have to spend time sifting through hundreds of resumes, reaching out to job seekers, and scheduling interviews. They can instead focus more of their time on the needs of their team and department.

Hearing this, you may be asking yourselves, how are staffing agencies able to accomplish this task? Well, in PSCI’s case, the answer is through the day-to-day task of reaching out to candidates and keeping an extensive database full of “warm” leads. That allows us to produce a candidate on short notice without having to start our search from scratch – although that may happen from time-to-time, we can assure you we know just where to look!

Trial Runs – As we’ve already covered, making a full-time hire can prove to be a risky venture that not only takes time but also costs a lot of money. But here-in lies the beauty of partnering with a staffing firm – instead of making a costly full-time hire and risking the employee not working out, you can take a “trial run” with the employee on a contract-to-hire basis. Not only is this option less risky for the employer, but it also allows them to see firsthand if the employee is able to handle the workload as well as if they’re the right culture fit. Then, once the contract is up, and assuming there’s still interest, it should be an easy transition to convert the contractor into a full-time employee.

So when you partner with a trusted staffing firm, like PSCI, it’s a win-win-win scenario. You’ll be saving yourself time, money, and the stress that comes along with full-time hires.

But we know we may not have covered it all and may have missed some things. What other benefits can employers expect to reap by partnering with a staffing firm?

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