Winter 2017

Here we are at the end of another year, and as I reflect on our accomplishments, I feel gratitude towards our clients who have helped us achieve excellence and success. This is a special milestone for PSCI, as we celebrate our 25th anniversary. That would never have happened without my dedicated staff and the loyalty of our clients, some who we have worked with since our first year in business. For that I say thank you from the bottom of my heart.

As the current tech landscape continues to become more competitive than ever, we continue to see recurring themes: the attraction and retention of top talent. In this issue of PSCI’s IT Industry Rundown, we’ve expounded on the ideas of how company culture is a key factor for attracting top talent and have listed ways your company is best fit to retain that talent. We’ve also included a few articles from key industry publications that reinforce those ideas and more.

I hope you find these insights helpful and I wish you nothing but the best during this holiday season and through the year ahead! Please connect with us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter for even more industry information.

Chris O’Neill
President & CEO


Sell Your Company Culture, Authentically

These days, everyone brags about their “excellent company culture.” Here, we explore the many ways companies can show, rather than tell, potential candidates about what makes their company a true winner. Read More >>

How to Retain Top Talent

The demand for top tech talent has been and will continue to remain high. This means opportunities for your best employees will be presenting themselves left and right, whether they’re looking or not. As a manager, part of your duties should include keeping your staff content in their current roles. Learn a few strategies, some fairly less obvious than others, to help you retain your top talent. Read More >>


How to Win the War for Top Tech Talent

The best candidates are looking for more than just an attractive salary and benefits program. While they still matter, things like company culture, flexible work schedules and working with cutting edge technology are being pushed to the forefront. This article takes a look at these and other factors employees care about. Read More >>

After Interviewing Hundreds of Job Candidates, I've Learned to Look for These 4 Things

When constructing a technical team, it’s imperative that they have the right mix of technical skills. This article, however, takes a look at the other skills, beyond those technical ones, that make for a good hire. Learn from a seasoned interviewer about what they look for. Read More >>

How Tech Companies Can Attract Talent with Culture

Attract the best and brightest candidates to your company by effectively marketing your “employer brand.” In this article/interview, learn tips for employer branding, why the best sources of hire strike a balance between active and passive candidates, and how to promote a “family” feeling while at work. Read More >>


"PSCI contractors are happy and that shows in how they approach their jobs. You can tell they are supported by a top-notch team at all levels. This gives me peace of mind, because a happy consultant stays and performs. When exceptional talent is constrained, this is very important."
– Major Convenience Store Retailer, Infrastructure Manager
