Summer 2017

The days are longer and the weather warmer. Ahhh, summertime!

Summer also means more vacations and sometimes a more relaxed mindset. Help your business offset any potential productivity drops by having your teams use the summer months to assess a few business processes. To help you, this issue of PSCI IT Industry Rundown includes tips for improving IT relationships, identifies ways to keeps candidates from accepting other offers, and shares ways to improve your employee onboarding experience.

I hope you enjoy this issue, and your summer. Please connect with us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook for more industry information

Chris O’Neill
President & CEO


Four IT Relationships That Move with the Speed of Tech

The best way to compete in today’s market is to understand who you need on your side and what role they can play to make your IT team stronger. To help you, we’ve outlined four IT relationships businesses must embrace to keep up with the speed of tech—and secrets to making the most of them


How to Keep Your Candidates from Accepting Other Offers

Situation: you hit it off with a great candidate who you’re certain would accept an offer, only to get blindsided when they accept another offer. Sound familiar? Today, the best IT talent is only on the market for a matter of days, so you need to act—and act fast. Follow these tips to keep your job listings and your company at the top of any candidate’s wish lists. Read More >>

5 Tips to Better Onboard New Employees

The first 90 days at any job is make or break time! It’s the critical phase when new employees get their first impressions of your brand, managers, co-workers, culture and workload. It’s also when they determine how well they’ll fit in. Learn five tips to improve your onboarding to reap the benefits of a great first impression. Read More >>​​


7 New Onboarding Strategies You'll See This Year

According to a study from Equifax, more than half of all employees who left their job in the past year did so within the first 12 months. To counter the problem, companies are now turning their efforts toward retention, and that starts with onboarding. Read More >>

How to Make Sure They Accept Your Job Offer

You've spent time and money carefully selecting your next star employee, but don’t start onboarding just yet—your candidate needs to accept the job offer first. Here are six ways to make sure they accept your job offer. Read More >>

Are Summer Office Policies Getting Less Sunny?

Employees want a relaxed dress code, flexible schedules, and summer Fridays, but fewer companies offer them. Why and how can you ensure your time away from the office this summer goes smoothly? Read More >>


“I have utilized PSCI consultants for well over 10 years. Not only are they consistently talented resources that hit the mark from a technology standpoint, they also take the time to understand [our] business focus. PSCI demonstrates a consistent high level of commitment.
– Director, Pharmaceutical Company
