Summer 2016

It’s been a busy year so far. It seems like just yesterday that 2016 was beginning and now here we are well into Q2 with the official start to summer not too far off.

Summer is actually a great time to perform mid-year reviews—adjusting business plans and realigning goals in order to better position for growth. This issue of PSCI IT Industry Rundown is chalked full of valuable tips and insights you can use as you assess your IT needs.

I hope you enjoy this issue. Please connect with us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook and keep the industry conversations going.

My best wishes for a successful spring!

Chris O’Neill
President & CEO


4 Ways to Improve Your Hiring Process

2016 has been dubbed the year of the candidate. With the speed of the internet and online postings, candidates are finding and filling roles faster than ever before. What does this mean for the employer? Learn four ways your organization can streamline its hiring process while still making great IT hires. Read More >>

Employers and Dealing with Candidate Concerns

When searching for a position there are many variables a candidate must take into consideration. In this blog, we examine the common concerns
candidates raised about employers and how employers can better position themselves to deal with them. Read More >>


Is Student Loan Assistance the Next Big Thing in Corporate Recruiting?

Nearly 40 million Americans hold some kind of student loan debt, and a recent survey from education finance portal iontuition shows that the majority of them would like their employers to help with repayment. As businesses struggle to attract and retain talent, is student loan repayment assistance becoming a must-have benefit? Read More >>

Rescue Summer Productivity with Flex Work

Productivity can often take a nosedive during the summer months, but offering telecommuting can boost both workers’ productivity and happiness. Read More >>

9 Ways to Keep Employees Motivated During the Dog Days of Summer

Human resource experts and business managers share their top tips for keeping office workers engaged during the summer months, when productivity is prone to dip. READ MORE >>


“I have utilized PSCI consultants for well over 10 years. Not only are they consistently talented resources that hit the mark from a technology standpoint, they also take the time to understand [our] business focus. PSCI demonstrates a consistent high level of commitment.”
— Director Pharmaceutical Company


