Spring 2016

Spring is most definitely in the air, along with the ensuing feeling of renewal. Whether it’s the budding of leaves or a new project starting in your IT department, things are ramping up along with the weather.

This spring, we’re excited to launch the PSCI IT Industry Rundown to connect with our network of clients, partners and friends. In this inaugural issue, we’ll dive into some important topics affecting your organization right now (including some valuable tips and insights you can use in your business).

I hope you enjoy the IT Industry Rundown. Please connect with PSCI on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to keep the conversation going!
My best wishes for a successful spring!
Chris O’Neill
President & CEO 


How the IT Hiring Market is Affecting Your Business

Demand for high-level tech talent is at an all-time high. But what does that really mean for your business? Patrick O’Neill breaks it down in this PSCI blog post. Read More >>

PSCI Reads

Social media may mean reading most content in 140 characters or less, but a good book will never go out of style. The PSCI team shares its recommendations for motivation, perspective and insights. Read More >>


Leveraging Big Data for Success in Pharma

Big data is poised to make a major impact on the drug-to-market process. This article from the PSCI team digs into the potential of big data in pharma and offers tips for companies that want to take advantage. Download the full article >>


Your Guide to Top Tech Conferences

2016 conferences are just getting started — this quick guide from CIO can help you prioritize your schedule into 2017. Read More >>

Employee Security a Major Issue for Businesses

There’s a major disconnect between employees’ growing concern over the security of their personal information and their attitudes toward data security practices in the workplace. eWeek examines a growing concern for IT leaders. Read More >>


PSCI was very successful in providing the right technical people to help us achieve our project goals. Having the right people, who could hit the ground running, helped us to bring in our project, on time, and with great success. The team approach has worked very well for us and has become the model for our future development needs.” 
– Technology Director, Government Agency


