Fall 2017

While it’s never easy to say goodbye to summer, I do enjoy the “back to school/back to business” mentality of the fall months. It’s a time to determine what we need to do to meet our goals for the year, and for many of us those goals include hiring.

In the spirit of “back to business” and a focus on hiring goals, this issue of PSCI's IT Industry Rundown includes valuable tips and business insights for helping to improve your tech hiring outcomes. We’ve included the traits of a good tech hire, the importance of a strong employer brand, and innovative IT hiring strategies.

I hope you find these insights helpful in your hiring efforts. Please conne
ct with us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook for more industry information

Chris O’Neill
President & CEO


The 3 Traits That Make Up a Good Tech Hire

It takes more than strong technical skills to be a good tech hire. We’ve identified the three traits that every hiring manager should be on the lookout for when interviewing tech candidates. Read more >>

When to Hire and When to Staff

The demand for tech talent is high and there is fierce competition for skilled candidates. While your team is looking for that perfect full-time hire, the business may be falling behind. But it doesn’t have to be! Learn how contract and contract-to-hire options can enable your company to keep up without compromising the quality of your tech talent. Read More >>


5 Strong Ways to Build Your Employer Brand

When you don't have a strong employer brand, top talent is unaware of the unique perks that make your company great. This article outlines five things your company (big or small) can do to strengthen its employer brand and make a name for itself. Read More >>

5 Innovative IT Hiring Strategies

The IT skills gap can negatively impact your business in a number of ways—and not just because it makes a hiring manager's job that much harder. If your business is suffering from the IT skills shortage, you might need to inject some creativity into your hiring methods. Check out this article for five innovative IT hiring strategies. Read More >>

4 Tips for Building a Talent Pool: Don't Forget the Fundamentals

With all the new social and recruiting technologies, sometimes the most effective way to attract great candidates is built on old school tactics like face-to-face interaction and relationship building. Learn four tips for attracting great candidates. Read More >>


“PSCI seems to really understand what we are seeking and uses a precision approach in identifying, vetting and supplying us with excellent candidates. Many times, it isn’t a question of having a good candidate from PSCI to hire it is a question of which one.
– Global Medical Distribution Company, Director Digital Marketing
