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As you may have noticed, things have changed around here! In order to make things easier on our candidates and clients, we’ve updated our website. To track all the changes that we have made, in this post we’ll highlight the new features and point out the resource pages that have moved during the change.

Onto the changes!

Security – First and foremost, your security is paramount to us. So with that in mind, we’ve added a SSL certificate to our website. This means that instead of utilizing HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) our website now uses HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). By making this change we’ve ensured that all communication between yourself and our website (through the submission of your resume or contact information) is encrypted, keeping your personal information safe and secure.

Graphics – Even if you’re the type of person who pays zero attention to detail, there’s no way of missing the changes made to our site’s graphics. Since 2013, our site has existed on the WordPress platform which is probably the easiest and most powerful website content management system in existence today. Our latest WordPress theme, TheFox, is a responsive one that ensures our site will always keep its look and feel whether it’s being viewed by a mobile device, tablet or desktop computer. It also has allowed us to incorporate video into our site – which we’ve taken full advantage of by using a balloon video (we’ll take your career to new heights) for our landing page!

Banner/Header – As you’ll notice as you navigate our site, the header – which includes the drop-down menu – remains static. And it remains that way whether you’re scrolling up and down or clicking through to a different page. This is a huge change we’ve made that allows for easier navigation throughout the site.

Footer – Another addition we’ve made was to include a footer with quick links to our most recent articles and news/events. This section also links to our jobs page, latest newsletters and blog posts, and provides a direct link to request our services.

Jobs Page – Other than the updates made to its graphics, the functionality of the jobs page has remained largely the same. The search bar, however, allows you to more easily search for jobs/positions by title or through geographic location.

Newsletters – When visiting our old site, you’d have to do some digging to find our latest newsletters (both consultant and client). This is no longer true as we have added links to both consultant and client newsletters in the header’s drop-down menu.

Blogs – Our blogs page may have experienced the most drastic makeover. Now, instead of being presented with a simple list of all of our blog posts, you are shown a page with each post arranged in a series of rows/columns and headed by a picture. While all the content remains the same, the visuals are much more aesthetically pleasing.

Case Studies – While our case studies have always been accessible through our drop-down menus, they are now showcased in a more prominent way. When you click on a case study, you are now presented with the opportunity to view the next study, by way of a ‘Next’ or ‘Previous’ button, without having to backtrack to the case study homepage. You’ll also find in this page a “You May Also Like” section that will direct you to other articles, thought leadership pieces or other case studies written by the PSCI team.

So please take a moment to peruse our site and let us know what you think of the changes!

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