Runner completing a race and crossing the finish line in first place

It’s a job seeker’s market and the competition for top technical talent is fierce. With unemployment at its lowest level in 50 years, skilled professionals have more options than ever. That means employers need to get creative when looking to staff their open roles. In this blog post we take a look at a handful of ways employers can beat their competition and attract the best and most qualified talent on the marketplace.

Offer a Competitive Salary

Simply stated, money talks. While there are other factors that candidate’s consider when deciding between offers, it never hurts to be the highest bidder. If you’re unsure of what to offer, consider using Glassdoor’s Salary Calculator or the Robert Half Salary Calculator. These resources will help you determine the salary for a position you’re looking to staff – and in some cases, fill you in on what your competitors are paying.

Conversely, if your offer comes in well below market value, you can be sure candidates will be looking elsewhere – even if they accept your offer.

We understand, though, that budgets don’t always allow for this. In that case, there are other ways organizations can attract top qualified candidates. We examine those below.

Get Creative with Perks

For many consultants, an attractive benefits package is just as valuable/desirable as a lucrative salary – especially for those with families. Let’s be honest, healthcare in this country is not cheap. If your organization can provide for them a benefits package that includes, for example, medical coverage, dental coverage, short-term/long-term disability, PTO, 401k matches, etc., you’ll position yourself nicely in the marketplace.

Beyond the more traditional benefits, however, today’s top talent is placing a lot of importance on striking a healthy work/life balance. Your organization can achieve this by offering flexible working hours or even work from home options. Studies have shown that a good work/life balance has helped employees avoid stress, mental exhaustion, and burnout. A working environment that places value on an individual’s home life will for sure be highly regarded.

Taking it one step further, organizations should also be providing career advancement opportunity. Whether that be through training programs (the opportunity to learn new skills) or certification courses (a valid recognition of skill), providing an avenue for employees to advance their careers will prove to be invaluable in your efforts to recruit them.

Don’t Keep Them Waiting

As already mentioned, the current job market is a highly competitive place and the most qualified candidates aren’t available for long. That means if your hiring process is long and drawn out, it can and will cost you a shot at landing top IT talent. But don’t worry, there are ways to speed it up.

Begin by knowing exactly what you’re looking for. Understand the skills needed in order for a consultant/employee/project to succeed and then begin your search. Once you’ve identified candidates, expedite your interview process by conducting phone, skype/video, or panel interviews (candidate meets with everyone at once). This will save time on your end as well as theirs. Throughout the process, keep them engaged and communicate with them where you’re at in the process. Staying in touch with candidates will hold their interest, while also keeping you informed of whether they’re close to accepting another offer.

For even more on this topic, consult our previous blog post, “IT Hiring: A Need for Speed.”

Be Flexible

As we alluded to in the previous section, it’s imperative to understand the skills needed for the position you’re looking to staff. Too often are we presented with a job requirement with an unrealistic set of skills (there aren’t too many Java Developers with .NET development skills). While there may be an individual out there who possesses them, these candidates are few and far between.

When looking to make a hire, think about what skills and qualifications are essential for success and then proceed from there. For any auxiliary requirements, consider them more a nice-to-have.

Also, don’t overlook hiring a more junior to mid-level candidate, and then training them on the job. This way, you’ll be molding the exact candidate you were originally on the market for.

Invest in Technology

Taking a more long-term approach to attracting top talent, organizations should consider investing in emerging technologies. The chance to work with and learn new technologies is incredibly appealing to those within the IT industry. While adopting and implementing new technology is a challenge in itself – and will most likely require even more staff – organizations who do so will have candidates making concessions in order to work with them.

Of course, finding and recruiting top talent doesn’t have to be a venture you pursue on your own. Partner with a staffing firm, such as PSCI, and allow us to use our market knowledge and connections to staff all your open IT needs.

So don’t delay and contact us today!

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