Most employers have been there. You think you’ve found the perfect candidate. They have great experience, they’re local to the area, their rate matches up well, they seem like the perfect match! However, while you’re taking your time making your decision, they’re taken off the market by one of your competitors!
Yup, that marketplace is really cluttered for top IT talent right now. If your hiring process is long and drawn out, it could be costing you top talent. While you’re taking forever, your competition is scooping them up!
To ensure this doesn’t happen again, here are some tips to help streamline your process.
Conduct panel interviews. To help expedite your process, have the candidates meet with all the members of your hiring team at one time. This not only gives you different perspectives – which is key to a great hire – it also helps save you valuable time on your end and theirs. Instead of having the candidate make multiple trips to your office they can meet with all the key decision makers in one fell swoop.
Know exactly what you’re looking for. They key to a quick hire is to know exactly what skills are needed in the position. Being properly prepared to discuss the details and scope of the project are key. Not only will you get the potential candidates excited about your organization and its projects but you’ll also be able to qualify them to a much higher degree. Engaging the candidate in a detailed conversation about the role will help you determine whether or not they have the skills required to fulfill the roles needs.
Be engaging. You really want to get the candidate excited about working for your organization. Show them what makes your company great! Highlight your company’s benefits and show them what great work/life balance they can achieve by coming to work for you. That way, when they’re faced with a decision about which company to choose, they choose you!
Communicate! Despite this being the last point made, it could very well be the most important. Having great communication will help demonstrate your respect for the candidate. Be honest with your candidates about timelines and process, and share details about when they can expect to hear from you. Then follow up! A lack of communication could mean big trouble. Keep in contact with your candidates, even the smallest amount of feedback can help keep that candidates interest until you’re ready to make your decision.
These are just a few tips to help streamline your hiring process and help you land that top IT talent. What other helpful tips or suggestions can be made?
Image courtesy of Ambro at