A woman, with arms spread, welcoming a sunrise. Meant to depict being thankful.

Another year is almost at an end, and – as with any year – this year has brought with it challenges. But to say 2020 has been a challenging year would be too much of an understatement. The facts are that more than 100,000 small businesses have closed forever due to the pandemic; more than 57 million Americans have filed for unemployment since mid-March; and, most sobering of all, more than 250,000 Americans (and more than 1 million people globally) have lost their lives from the coronavirus. Not to mention the civil unrest and discord that has taken place across the country.

Despite all of that, however, there is still so much to be thankful for; and at PSCI, we believe in staying positive.

Here then, in no particular order, are a list of things we are truly thankful for this year:

We are thankful for our clients. Without their flexibility, patience, and adaptability, this year would have been made exponentially harder. Their willingness to allow our consultants, and their full-time staff members, the ability to work from home kept them all safe, employed, and helped to stabilize the country’s economy.

We are thankful for our consultants. Their patience and willingness to adapt their daily responsibilities, and working environments, helped us to keep our doors open.

We are thankful for all of our internal staff members. We are so grateful for their efforts and for all of their dedication and hard work. Our transition to working from home was truly seamless and that’s because of them. Without them, there is no PSCI.

We are thankful for technology. Without the advances made to remote technology over the past handful of years, we shudder to think where we may be. So huge shout-outs to Zoom, Microsoft Teams, UberConference, GoToMeeting, and the many other platforms for allowing us to see our coworkers on a daily basis. In addition, an argument can be made that technology has also allowed commerce across the nation to continue. Thank goodness for that.

We are thankful for our partners. These relationships, which we have spent years cultivating, have served as a guiding beacon over the course of the year.

We are thankful for healthcare workers. The courage and strength they’ve exhibited day in and day out to care for our sick has been truly awe inspiring.

We are thankful for all the frontline workers. From police, firefighters, and EMTs (as well as the aforementioned healthcare workers) to the cashiers in grocery stores, delivery drivers, and countless others, we owe them all an enormous debt of gratitude. Their selfless service to the greater community has helped all of us get through these tough times.

We are thankful for our teachers. As any working parent with kids at home can attest, the work they do doesn’t get the recognition it deserves. It’s a shame it took a pandemic for most to recognize how important, and valuable, they really are.

We are thankful for our health. Yes, we have lost some that are near and dear to us this year, but we are still thankful for the health and safety of all of our loved ones.

We are thankful for our loved ones. Our family and friends provide us with love, support, and encouragement on a daily basis and for that we are truly thankful. They are our inspirations and give life it’s true meaning.

In a year filled with such sorrow, it’s important to remember that there is still so much to be thankful for. As the late, great Louis Armstrong once sang, “What a wonderful world.”

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