A path that leads to the top of a mountain with a flag on top. Meant to signify destination or career goals

It’s a brand-new year filled with brand new opportunity. While hiring may have been down last year, it doesn’t expect to stay that way in 2021. If you’re looking to jump start your career, or embark on a new career path, there’s no better time than now to start your journey. And if you’re wondering where the opportunity will lie, it’s within information technology – where plenty of opportunity exists.

As an IT professional residing in Delaware, you won’t need to look far either. The Delaware IT Industry Council (ITIC), a new industry association representing the state’s IT workers, surveyed employers within the state, across a variety of industries, asking them to identify the talent they need the most in IT. Among the top positions identified were, application development, data management/analytics, cloud/networking, cybersecurity, and technical support.

While many of these roles will certainly require previous years of hands-on experience, there is still opportunity for young and aspiring IT professionals – all you need is the proper training. Luckily, we’re here to direct you where to go.

Though there are free online educational sites where you can learn new topics, pick up new skills, and stay on top of developing trends within the IT industry, teaming up with a local resource can help lead the way to landing a job in this area.

So, consider Tech Hire Delaware (a program of Tech Impact). It’s a place aspiring IT professionals can gain tech training, apprenticeships, career counseling, and job placement assistance. Here’s how it works:

  1. Apply. As long as you’re a Delaware resident 18+ years of age and are interested in pursuing a career in technology, they’ll accept your application.
  2. Qualify. A Tech Hire Delaware coordinator will evaluate candidate goals and connect to determine options for low-cost and no-cost training, and then assist with the application process.
  3. Learn. Tech Hire Delaware partners with leading educators throughout the state for instruction in several fields including general IT support, database management, networking, and programming.
  4. Work. Learning may include classroom, virtual, or on-the-job training, all leading towards professional growth in technology.

Other organizations designed to effectively train tech talent, and some of those that Tech Hire Delaware partners with, include:

  • Code Differently – An experiential learning organization that provides hands-on training and education in order to give participants the technical and cognitive skills they need to excel in technology-driven workplaces. This program is designed for mid-level tech talent.
  • Zip Code Wilmington – An employer-driven code school designed to mold everyday, motivated people into skilled, professional developers. This program is also designed for mid-level tech talent.
  • Tech Impact’s ITWorks – While designed for entry-level talent, ITWorks is a free workforce development program that helps prepare young adults for entry-level IT careers without the need for a degree.

For those interested in pursuing roles in either data science or cybersecurity, may we direct you to Enroll Education. As a higher education website, they help students who are looking for guidance on training and educational opportunities. Recently, they have updated guides for programs in Delaware.

Their Delaware Data Science and Cybersecurity Guides provide lists of scholarships, licensing and certification data for the state, comprehensive degree program information for colleges in Delaware, as well as occupational outlooks. These guides can be found here:

If any of these programs are of interest to you, we wish you the best of luck as you pursue your ambitions. And remember, once you have the proper training and/or certifications necessary, be sure to send us your resume or apply to one of the many jobs listed on our IT Job Search page!

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