PSCI Unique
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What Makes PSCI Unique?

There are a lot of similarities between staffing companies. After all, our business models are all essentially the same – establish a network of clients, receive job requirements from said clients, respond to those job requirements with resumes (candidates) that fit the job description, and act as a facilitator between the candidate and client with…

Is Consulting Right for Me? Ask Yourself These 3 Questions

Is Consulting Right for Me? Ask Yourself These 3 Questions

When first entering the job force, few entertain the idea of working as a consultant. In fact, I’d say most aren’t even aware that it’s a possibility. As you move further along in your career, however, and especially in the IT industry, you realize not only is it a possibility but a major part of…

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More than Just a Resume… What Impresses Employers in 2016?

Typically, when one starts – or thinks of starting – the job search, the first thing they do is update their resume.  But a question lingers… is there anything else you can do?  What about when you *aren’t* job searching?  What are those things that make passive candidates attractive to employers?  What can you bring…


Don’t Let Them Forget You – How to Stand Out in an Interview

After days/weeks/months of searching for your dream job you’ve finally found it! Your resume has been tailored and on paper you seem the perfect match for the position. After submitting your application the hiring manager has reached out to schedule the interview. Congratulations! But not so fast. While you may have cleared the first hurdle,…


Flexibility Meets Stability – The Benefits of Contract Work

A few weeks ago we wrote about the different advantages and disadvantages that come with both contract and full time work (as well as the PSCI difference). As an IT staffing firm that deals primarily with contract work, however, we’d be remiss to not follow that up with a post that details just how great…