
The Best IT Jobs

So what are the best jobs in IT? Of course, that’s a very subjective question because two people could be looking for very different things in a job. That’s why I was intrigued when I came across an article on the US News & World Report’s website stating what they thought the Best Jobs in…


The Money’s in IT

Working for an IT staffing firm, I’m continuously amazed by how well our consultants are paid. But of course, they’re worth it! Living in the information age, the demand for qualified IT workers has never been greater. What does amaze me, however, is this article I came across on, entitled, “25 Most Lucrative Internships:…


Twenty Years: An Inside Look at PSCI (And Our New Website)

Welcome to the newest version of the PSCI website! This has been a very exciting year for us as it started in January with the celebration of our 20th Anniversary. In March we moved our offices to a beautiful location in North Wilmington after almost 20 years in office space literally around the corner from…