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In spite of prevailing global economic uncertainty, a recent report conducted by the Linux Foundation found that many organizations plan to increase their technical staffs in 2023.

This is primarily driven by the escalating demand for IT professionals with expertise in cloud computing, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence/machine learning.

Although these technologies are considered relatively new, IT leaders can take comfort in the fact that a considerable influx of recent college graduates specializing in these fields is entering the job market.

In this blog post, we will delve into the specific areas of concentration among computer science students and explore the ways in which organizations can benefit through the incorporation of youthful talent.

Common Areas of Study for CompSci Majors

The IT skills gap is one of the biggest challenges facing businesses today. The good news, however, is that there’s been a stark increase in undergraduates receiving STEM-focused degrees.

Areas of focus include:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

With the increasing prominence of AI and ML in various industries, many computer science students, including those at the University of Delaware, are focusing on these fields.

They study algorithms, data analysis, neural networks, and deep learning techniques to develop intelligent systems and applications.

Data Science and Big Data

The field of data science involves analyzing and interpreting large volumes of data to extract meaningful insights. Students in this area focus on statistics, data mining, database management, and visualization techniques to work with big data sets.


As cyber threats continue to rise, computer science students are increasingly focusing on cybersecurity (thankfully). They study encryption, network security, ethical hacking, and digital forensics to protect systems and data from unauthorized access and attacks.

Cloud Computing

As businesses increasingly rely on cloud-based services, such as AWS, Azure and Google Cloud, there’s been an increased focus on cloud computing. Students learn about virtualization, distributed systems, cloud infrastructure, and the different cloud platforms.

Software Engineering

While not as new as the others, the need is no less great. That’s why many computer science students still choose to specialize in software engineering, where they learn to design, develop, and maintain software systems. They study programming languages, software testing, software architecture, and project management methodologies.

The Benefits of Hiring Recent College Graduates

While some employers may hesitate to hire “green” professionals, there are numerous compelling reasons to embrace the potential of recent graduates.

The reasons include:

  1. Their fresh perspectives and eagerness to learn can infuse new life into an organization and inspire existing team members.
  2. Growing up in the digital era, recent college graduates are often tech-savvy individuals who effortlessly navigate the latest tools and platforms.
  3. They can bring fresh perspectives and diversity of thought to an organization.
  4. The curriculum in many colleges and universities keeps pace with emerging trends, equipping graduates with up-to-date knowledge and in-demand technical skills.
  5. Compared to experienced professionals, they’re much cheaper!

By embracing the potential of these young professionals and making investments in their development, both graduates and the organizations that hire them can pave the way for a promising and prosperous future.

As for IT leaders who are concerned about the scarcity of available talent, they can find comfort in knowing that help is on the horizon!

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